From the course: Lightroom: Developing Raw and DNG Files

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Using point curves

Using point curves

- [Instructor] Let's reset this image and take a look at another curve. I'll choose photo, reset to open. Now let's select the point curve. This works a little bit differently. Instead of the curve being constrained to a specific zone, you have more flexibility. For example, I could bring the black point all the way up to white, and the white point all the way down to black, creating a negative image. You probably don't want to do that, but it is good to know you have that option if you were dealing with a scan of a negative film slide, for example. Let's reset this. Additionally, you still can use the targeted adjustment tool. So if I take the targeted adjustment tool and I mouse over, you see it adds a control point. For example, a real specific shadow there so we can lift it up. Then I can come up here to the bright sky and drag down, and you see how it creates that nice S curve, helping with the overall image.…
