From the course: Lightroom: Developing Raw and DNG Files

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Adjusting saturation

Adjusting saturation

- [Instructor] Let's switch back to our second image, here, and change our color mixer from hue to saturation. This is going to allow us to change the look of different areas. Like before, you can use the slider to adjust individual areas. So if I want to bring out the greens in the trees, I could really spike that and decrease the yellows, and you see a nice shift there, in the color. Similarly, we can go after different zones and refine them until we get a natural look. Again, not a surprise, the target adjustment tool here is quite useful, so you can choose the area that you want to affect. And notice how both sliders are manipulated. This is useful when more than one color is affecting an area. And what you'll find is that it's quite useful because usually two zones will actually come into play. It's pretty rare that one slider does the trick, so this makes it simple. Additionally, you notice here, clicking in the…
