From the course: Leveraging Your Strengths
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Strengths and liabilities
From the course: Leveraging Your Strengths
Strengths and liabilities
- Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing. Can a strength become a liability? The short answer is yes. Any strengths can become a liability. In this lesson, I want to help you avoid overdoing your strengths to your detriment. First don't overdo it. Overdoing anything can become problematic. Yes you want to leverage and maximize your ability to use your strengths, but unchecked and overdone, your strengths can drag you down. For example, let's say that one of your strengths is significance. Wanting to be very important in the eyes of others, to be recognized. That's a wonderful strength to have and use, and it has likely helped propel you in your career. But if you draw on it too much without balancing it with some of your other strengths or not working to neutralize some of your weaknesses, you can end up seeming like you're not a team player because you're constantly seeking to be the focus. Your quest…
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