From the course: Leveraging Cloud Computing for IoT

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- So in aspects of building IoT systems in the cloud is the ability to train the artificially intelligent portions of this system using data that's abstracted from the IoT devices. So we have to deal with raw data that's coming from the IoT sensors. And typically that data is going to be fairly unstructured and fairly raw in terms of how it's storing information and the type of information that's being produced. We have to turn that raw data in to training data, or some sort of a structured way that we can facilitate the training of machine-learning systems. And the ability to tune the models. So they're adherent or do what we need them to do. Typically they're going to train themselves in one way, shape, or form that may not align to the way in which we want the models to perform behaviors or basically come to conclusions. And the ability to get the right model performance is the process of tuning. Then they have to be tested to ensure that we're getting the right answers to the…
