From the course: Learning Web Audio and Video

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Modify your document for video

Modify your document for video

- [Instructor] We'll now clear out our html document, removing all references to our audio content and prepare it for working with video elements and attributes exclusively, building upon what we've already learned. We'll go ahead and just select and delete all of that material. Now before moving on, note that just about everything we've previously seen applied to the audio element is also valid for the video element. We will not be repeating these things here where it can be helped. Let's create our video element, and there it is, video, and just as the case with audio, the video element by itself has no visual styling. Let's go ahead and add the controls attribute, and then we can close out of our video element with a closing tag. We'll save that and have a look in the web browser. There it is. Adding the controls attribute tells the browser to render its own visual style upon the element, but just as with audio, every browser styles it differently.
