From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code
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Configuring terminal options - Visual Studio Code Tutorial
From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code
Configuring terminal options
I could probably make an entire course on all the different terminal settings and features. It's not practical to try to cover them all here, but I hope I can give you a sense of what's possible and show you how to find and experiment with settings you might find useful. I've already got a terminal open here at the bottom of my window. I'll click on the dropdown arrow in the upper right corner of the panel to open the terminal menu. From here, I'll select "Configure Terminal Settings." That opens up the visual settings editor we explored earlier in the course. Notice that the search box at the top is pre-populated with the text @feature:terminal. That's the syntax to filter settings by a particular application feature, the terminal in this case. Also notice in the hierarchical view on the left that there are 98 terminal-related settings in this version of VS Code. If you're the kind of developer that really likes to tweak your environment and get everything exactly how you want it…