From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

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Additional languages and debuggers

Additional languages and debuggers - Visual Studio Code Tutorial

From the course: Learning Visual Studio Code

Additional languages and debuggers

VS Code includes support right out of the box for popular programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS, but you can add support for just about any programming language you can imagine with extensions. I'm going to demonstrate adding support for the Python programming language, but the process will be similar for other languages. The code for my website here doesn't currently have any Python files in it, but I'm going to add one now and just name it Py is the standard file extension for Python code files. As soon as the new file is created, notice that I get a message at the bottom of the screen asking me if I want to install the recommended Python extension. That's a helpful suggestion and probably the quickest way to install the extension, but I'm going to close that and show you a couple more things before I manually install it. I'm going to paste some very simple Python code into my new file. This declares a simple function at the top to add two…
