From the course: Learning Visio for the Web

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Create swimlane diagrams with Visio for the web

Create swimlane diagrams with Visio for the web - Visio Tutorial

From the course: Learning Visio for the Web

Create swimlane diagrams with Visio for the web

- [Instructor] One drawback of a flow chart is that it's not easy to determine who does what within the process. Swim lane diagrams, known more formally as cross-functional flow charts, allow you to put process steps into lanes that you can label with names of divisions, departments, functions, or roles. By organizing shapes into specific lanes, it's clear where the responsibility lies for each activity. The website changes diagram on the screen is one of the cross-functional flowchart samples available with Vizio Plan 1 and Vizio Plan 2. Swim lane diagrams are not available with Vizio in Microsoft 365. In this example, you see three swim lanes, each of which includes multiple steps in the process. To build our own cross-functional flowchart, we're going to turn a sketch of a process map into a swim lane diagram. The sketch is available in your exercise files with a name Handwritten HR flowchart with roles. On the Vizio start page, select all templates. You should see the…
