From the course: Learning Verilog for FPGA Development
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Challenge: From schematic to code - FPGA Tutorial
From the course: Learning Verilog for FPGA Development
Challenge: From schematic to code
(upbeat music) - [Narrator] Now it's time to test your knowledge with a challenge. Your task is to write a Verilog module that implements this circuit. Just take the schematic and put it in a Verilog module. This circuit's output is a logical 1, or true, when the binary number formed by its inputs, c, b, and a, is a prime number. Consider c as the most significant bit, and a as the least significant bit. In other words, P is true whenever the input is two, three, five or seven and it's false for zero, one, four and six. For your implementation, keep in mind you may use gates, you may use an assign statement or your may use an always block. These are three different options you have, not requirements, so please don't try to combine them. And finally, please feel free to use the provided Vivado simulation project to test your code. In this project, I've already written the code for a simulation that takes your code…
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Verilog modules4m 13s
Instantiating modules4m 49s
Gates and primitives3m 3s
Registers and wires1m 46s
Range specification4m 30s
Numbers and constants4m 53s
Always blocks52s
The if-else statement2m 2s
Case statements2m 24s
Boolean algebra expressions56s
Continuous assignments2m 23s
Blocking assignments3m 20s
Nonblocking assignments3m 49s
Challenge: From schematic to code2m 16s
Solution: From schematic to code4m 31s