From the course: Learning Verilog for FPGA Development
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Blocking assignments - FPGA Tutorial
From the course: Learning Verilog for FPGA Development
Blocking assignments
- At this point, I've shown you procedural blocks using blocking assignments exclusively. It's time to learn what blocking and non-blocking means in Verilog. Consider this module called logic which outputs the expression built in lines 31 through 33. This is the or operation between the expressions in line 31 and 32. and this is totally possible with blocking assignments. Notice that the blocking assignment operator is the equal character. Blocking means that any further line of code will be evaluated after this line is evaluated. It has no particular effect on timing. It simply means that the expressions are built in the sequence of the code. I want to be clear on this so I'll say it once more. The order of the lines of code is not the order of the signal changes in time. It's only showing the trajectory of the signals in the circuit. Time is not blocked. The compiler is. Conversely, non-blocking means that…
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Verilog modules4m 13s
Instantiating modules4m 49s
Gates and primitives3m 3s
Registers and wires1m 46s
Range specification4m 30s
Numbers and constants4m 53s
Always blocks52s
The if-else statement2m 2s
Case statements2m 24s
Boolean algebra expressions56s
Continuous assignments2m 23s
Blocking assignments3m 20s
Nonblocking assignments3m 49s
Challenge: From schematic to code2m 16s
Solution: From schematic to code4m 31s