From the course: Learning TouchDesigner
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Modes and windows - TouchDesigner Tutorial
From the course: Learning TouchDesigner
Modes and windows
- [Instructor] There's two main modes of operation in TouchDesigner. There's designer mode and perform mode. Up until this point, we've been working with designer mode, which is where we see the interface and we can create and manipulate nodes. Perform mode is where all that goes away and we just see the results of our project and we can get the maximum performance possible. By default, all we need to do, here let's press play and we have our project going, just noisy wire framed for us, based on something we put together before, and I'm going to hit the F1 key. You can see that everything goes away. We're in this perform window and that we just have the results of the project. Of course, there could be user interface elements here and all sorts of other things to interact with the project, but the editing mode goes away. Alright, I'm going to hit the escape key to get back to designer mode. This is all working and set up by default because we have a perform object here, which you can…
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