From the course: Learning to Teach Online
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Establishing modes for communication and collaboration
From the course: Learning to Teach Online
Establishing modes for communication and collaboration
- [Instructor] As the instructor, it's important to foster an environment of communication and collaboration in your course. This is impossible however until you establish the molds of communication that you want learners to use. You must ensure that the learners know how to contact you, the instructor, as well as other learners, if that's relevant. Here inside of my Learning Management System which is Moodle, for the course that I'm teaching, I've notified students in a couple different ways. First of all, in the forum, the announcements, I'm going to click here and the very first announcement I've posted for the course is communication guidelines. It lets them know how to contact me, what the medium is. It lets them know how long it takes me to respond, tells them office hours and more. Now, I'm going to back up here and I've also included this in my core syllabus. As you can see right here, I'll back up and I've…
Begin by building rapport2m 11s
Set guidelines and expectations2m 42s
Establish learning outcomes2m 32s
Establish scope and sequence1m 56s
Sharing and curating files and resources1m 35s
Establishing modes for communication and collaboration2m 8s
Track progress that students can see2m 6s