From the course: Learning to Prioritize and Express Your Needs at Work
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What's possible when you express your needs
From the course: Learning to Prioritize and Express Your Needs at Work
What's possible when you express your needs
- Being a needless person has become an epidemic particularly in the workplace. It's common to see having no needs as a badge of honor. Even when we're stressed out, burnt out, and resenting everyone around us because of the cycles of people pleasing and overworking, we can get caught in. I'm here to tell you that no one wins when you try to live as a needless person. I hope that you too can see that and maybe through what you've learned in this course you can appreciate that you now have the tools to shift out of false needless, and into a reality where you can prioritize what matters to you. Ultimately, that isn't selfish, it's relational. Recognizing, respecting and expressing our needs honors our vulnerability and our interdependence as people. We can't get to a humane and balanced workplace until we start regarding and treating ourselves and each other as humans who have needs. Thank you for joining me and for…
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