From the course: Learning to Prioritize and Express Your Needs at Work

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Expressing needs to yourself

Expressing needs to yourself

- Now that you know how to identify and respect your needs, it's time to talk about expressing your needs. As I've said before, the thing that strikes me about needs is how most often it's us who interfere with our own needs getting met by not letting them be known. I know the voice in my own head that says, you don't get to ask for that, or that's selfish, or that doesn't get to matter, or that would be mean for you to ask that. Does that sound familiar? I also know how it feels when I listen to that voice, not good. That voice thinks it knows what will happen if I try to get a need met and it stops me before I can even try. As I've learned to listen to that voice less and make my needs more known, I've been pleasantly surprised that what's possible is far greater than what that voice believes when it comes to my needs getting to be considered. Do you also have a voice like this that convinces you not to ask for your…
