From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
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Understanding how the tidyverse evolves and deprecates - R Tutorial
From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
Understanding how the tidyverse evolves and deprecates
- [Instructor] The Tidyverse is an incredibly powerful toolkit for doing data science with R. The reason it's so powerful is that it's still growing and evolving, and it's not a stagnant collection of functions. Sometimes when you look at the documentation for functions, you'll find a lifecycle badge that says superseded. Two really important examples are gather and spread. These used to be the functions used for transforming data between wide and long formats. But in 2019, the Tidyverse was augmented with two powerful new functions, pivot_longer and pivot_wider, which I've introduced in this course. Gathering and spread will not be removed from the Tidyverse because they are marked, superseded, and the documentation pages for the functions makes clear the functions will continue to work, but you are encouraged to transition to the new and improved functions. A small number of functions will be marked deprecated. This indicates the function will be removed from the Tidyverse at some…
Handling NAs in the tidyverse with drop_na() and replace_na()4m 12s
Use case_when() instead of nested if or ifelse()6m 36s
Use tidy-select functions to work with many columns at once4m 4s
Using across() in mutate() to modify multiple columns at once6m 52s
Filtering many columns at once with if_any() and if_all()3m 37s
Understanding how the tidyverse evolves and deprecates3m
Challenge: Find all love songs remaining below position 80 in the top 101m 3s
Solution: Find all love songs remaining below position 80 in the top 103m 38s