From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
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From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
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- [Charlotte] Thank you so much for joining me for this introduction to the Tidyverse. My goal was to get you confident with how the Tidyverse works and how to get your data files into R and to combine Tidyverse functions to begin to understand and explore your datasets. You should now feel equipped to clean, wrangle, and process your data frames and tibbles with the Tidyverse. You've seen how to use stringr, lubridate and forcats, designed specifically for the complexities of handling strings, dates, and factors respectively. I also had the pleasure of introducing you to ggplot2, simply the best tool for data storytelling with R. If you're interested in learning more, I have two recommendations. The LinkedIn Learning catalog has dedicated ggplot2 courses, and you can also search LinkedIn for the hashtag tidytuesday and ggplot2 every Tuesday for an impressive showcase of what's possible with ggplot2 thanks to the Tidyverse. If you're looking for courses on specific data analysis or…