From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
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lubridate for manipulating dates and times - R Tutorial
From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
lubridate for manipulating dates and times
- [Instructor] The lubridate package from the Tidyverse contains a full suite of tools for wrangling, cleaning, and formatting both dates and times. Let's jump into some of the things that you can do with the package in the 05_03b project. Here I am in the lubridate.r script and I want to load the core tidyverse on line one, and I want you to concentrate on the output in your console. Can you see lubridate? If not, you might be using an old version of the Tidyverse. lubridate was only added to the core tidyverse in 2023. So if you can't see lubridate there in the output, please use instore.packages to update for Tidyverse, restart R and then load the Tidyverse again. We're also going to load the janitor package in line two and we'll make use of the clean_names function on line five. So let's run line four and five to read in my insurance data. Let's print that to the console. There are lots and lots of dates in the data. Now, these dates have different formats. quote_date is the new…