From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
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Using the |> pipe in your code - R Tutorial
From the course: Learning the R Tidyverse
Using the |> pipe in your code
- [Instructor] This video is about the pipe constructed from the pipe character, followed by a right angle bracket, more commonly known as the base R pipe. To use this pipe, you need to be using R version 4.1 or later. You can use this pipe with any function in R including functions from the tidyverse. The pipe is syntactic sugar for rewriting your code. The pipe takes the left-hand side of itself and forces it into the first argument of the right-hand side of itself and runs the resultant code. Let's go over to project 01_06b to see this in action. So I have my script base-r-pipe.R open, and I have some code. Hello World is being piped into rep five, and if I run this code by putting my cursor at the end of this pipe chain and hitting Command + Enter or Control + Enter in Windows, that's going to run the code, and it works successfully without loading any packages because it's the base R pipe. It only works because I'm on a version of R that's after 4.1. How do you know which version…
What is the tidyverse?2m 22s
Installing, loading, and working with the tidyverse packages5m 1s
Introducing data.frame and tibbles8m 34s
What are %>% and |> for in the tidyverse3m 46s
Using the %>% pipe in your code5m
Using the |> pipe in your code6m 18s
Datasets built into the tidyverse packages3m 15s
Using the select() function to obtain columns from data4m 23s
Using the filter() function to filter data by conditions6m 10s
Using the mutate() function to modify and add columns4m
Challenge: Rewrite this code to use the pipe of your choice2m 38s
Solution: Rewrite this code to use the pipe of your choice3m 19s