From the course: Learning Microsoft Configuration Manager

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Endpoint protection

Endpoint protection

- [Instructor] Endpoint Protection manages antimalware policies and Windows Defender Firewall security for clients in Configuration Manager. When we use Endpoint Protection with Configuration Manager, you have several benefits, such as configuring antimalware policies, firewall settings, and managing Defender for Endpoint to selected groups of computers. We can use Configuration Manager software updates to download the latest antimalware definitions for Windows Defender, and that can keep our computer clients up to date. And we can send email notifications using various different tools, such as in Console Monitoring and View Reports. These actions can let the administrator know when malware is detected on client computers, so they can take appropriate action. I'm inside Configuration Manager in Assets and Compliance, and you can see there's a section here for Endpoint Protection. And here are the Endpoint Protection different areas that you can use to protect our clients, such as…
