From the course: Learning Sylenth
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Understanding the effects section - Sylenth Tutorial
From the course: Learning Sylenth
Understanding the effects section
- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're gonna take a look at some of Sylenth's effects. But before we dive in, I just wanna mention something about these effects. So you can see that we have our effects here in this middle window, and they are in this order. So, we're doing from our Arpeggiator, Distortion, Phaser, Chorus, EQ, Delay, Reverb, Compressor, et cetera. To enable an effect, we're going to hit this checkmark. But, the thing I want to point out is that we can't change the order of the effects, at this point in time. So, all of our effects in Sylenth are going to be running in series. So, that's it. Just something worth mentioning here, in terms of signal flow. And now, let's dive in, and in the next movie check out our Arpeggiator.
Understanding the effects section46s
The Arpeggiator7m 20s
Working with distortion4m 51s
Working with phazer3m 37s
Working with chorus and flanger3m 21s
Working with EQ1m 29s
Working with delay3m 38s
Working with reverb3m 34s
Working with the compressor2m 4s