From the course: Learning Sylenth

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Making a synth lead

Making a synth lead - Sylenth Tutorial

From the course: Learning Sylenth

Making a synth lead

- [Instructor] There are many different styles of lead synth sounds. In this movie we're gonna create a fat sort of saw lead and we'll maybe add some sine sub on the bottom. But for lead synths, I really encourage you to experiment a lot. You can do all kinds of cool things with effects and the same with pads. So I'm gonna go ahead and dive in here and let's set the number of voices for this first saw, and we initialize the patch to two. (synth buzzing) I'm gonna ahead and I'm gonna bring this up an octave and we're gonna make this a saw as well, and I'm gonna also set this to two. (synth buzzing higher) Maybe let's detune this one a little bit. (synth buzzing) I'm also gonna bring up the polyteny just a bit. Although it's a lead so we're not gonna be playing too many notes at once, but hey you never know. (synth buzzing) Now for a lead synth I'm gonna bring our decay up just a bit. (snyth buzzing) Maybe just a little bit of a slower tack here. So that's one and two. (synth buzzing)…
