From the course: Learning Splunk

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Visualize errors

Visualize errors - Splunk Tutorial

From the course: Learning Splunk

Visualize errors

- [Narrator] As we saw in the built-in reports, it's possible to create visualizations from our report data. Let's create a visualization of our own from the errors in our access log. To start, we'll search for sourcetype = accesscombined, and let's also add and status = 404 and we'll search for that. You may have noticed before that there's a little chart here that shows up above the search results. Go over to Format Timeline, and you can see the full version, which adds some annotation here. This is the most basic visualization you'll get with Splunk, and it will really only show you the event counts over time. In order to get this into a friendlier visualization format, we'll need to tell Splunk what we actually want to visualize. Since this is just the 404 errors, an error count index against time is what we really are looking for. So let's add to this pipe, timechart, count, and we'll search. Without any other…
