From the course: Learning Splunk
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Install Splunk - Splunk Tutorial
From the course: Learning Splunk
Install Splunk
- [Voiceover] There are a few pieces of software you'll need for this course. For Splunk itself, we're going to use a free trial of Splunk Enterprise. So go to and click on free Splunk and you'll need to set up a account on in order to download this, but that's also free. I've already logged into my account. So click free Splunk. They're currently promoting a Splunk cloud trial, which is not what we actually want for this course, so you want to click on free trials and downloads. Again, they're still promoting this. Scroll down to Splunk Enterprise and select free trial. Now, I'm running Windows, so I'll install the Windows version. There are also versions for Linux and a couple distributions and for Mac OS, but currently, the Mac OS version only supports Intel Silicon. So I'll start my download and I've already downloaded it, so I'll just click cancel. While that's downloading, you'll also need to…
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