From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB
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Understand SnowflakeDB dashboards - Snowflake Tutorial
From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB
Understand SnowflakeDB dashboards
- [Instructor] Next up in queries, I'm just going to show you a visualization feature available in Snowsight. So using these same examples, I went ahead and ran this query a couple of times. What is the stringency of government response in India, just to get another query in here. And now if I go back to, remember where I can see if cash was used or not? It's under Compute and History, and I'm looking for a query result reuse. Now, if I want to look at the original compilation here, I can see the query plan organizer. Again, notice the number of rows, which I think I didn't point out. Now, in addition to understanding the overhead of the query, you can display the results in Dashboard. So in order to do that, you can just click here, and you can manage filters, or you can add a dashboard. So I'm going to call it My_Dash and create a dashboard. And then you're going to add a tile to work with this. And then you need some…