From the course: Learning Selenium
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Write a test - Selenium Tutorial
From the course: Learning Selenium
Write a test
- [Instructor] Having the knowledge of how to use and navigate the API makes test writing a breeze. Now, it's time to apply that knowledge of the web driver API to write a test. When I decide it's time to write new Selenium tests, I like to do some planning upfront. There are three steps I take before I start coding. Number one, it's all about deciding what features to automate. This requires having knowledge of the application under test and all of the available functionality. Number two, outline the scenarios that will be automated, and the steps of each test. Be aware of what the inputs and outputs will be, and the value each scenario implemented will provide. Number three, find the web elements that will be needed for testing. It's important to figure out what elements are going to be used in the tests upfront. This will make test writing much easier, faster, and smoother. So to begin, let's look at the exercise file for this video in the text editor. I've created a test called…
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