From the course: Learning Selenium

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Running tests

Running tests

- Now that I have a central hub and node set up, it's time to run test on the grid. There is just one change that I need to make to my test, first. So I'll open up the test in the exercise file for this video, 02 04. In line 10, I will change the way the driver is created and instead of using a regular Firefox driver, I will use a remote Firefox instance. So to do this, I will change the way my driver is set up to create a remote driver with desired capabilities and pass in Firefox. What this line now does is to create an instance of the remote web driver which indicates tests will be run remotely. The desired capabilities represent the properties that I want to launch the remote web driver with. These properties can include browser name, version and platform. Now I will save this file and go back to my terminal. And I'll run this test using the same command I used previously, typing rspec blog-test.rb. When that…
