From the course: Learning Selenium
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Configuring nodes - Selenium Tutorial
From the course: Learning Selenium
Configuring nodes
- [Instructor] Now that I have a central hub set up, it's time to configure my first node. To do this, I'll go back to the terminal, and once I'm there, I want to open up a new tab and change directories to the Downloads directory. From there, I need to use the selenium standalone server to configure a node. So to do this, I'll type java -jar selenium-server-standalone, and the version for the standalone server is 3.141.59.jar, and note that the version might be different from when you're using this and getting it set up. But this is the current version at the time. And next, what I want to do is specify a role of node, and that this is for the hub. And next, I need to just specify the address for the registration point of the hub. So to do that, I will switch back over to the tab where my hub is running, and I see this output line here, saying that Nodes should register to this address. So I'm going to just go ahead and…
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