From the course: Learning Selenium
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All about the drivers - Selenium Tutorial
From the course: Learning Selenium
All about the drivers
- [Instructor] A great advantage of WebDriver is that it supports running tests in all major browsers. Please refer to the Selenium website at to learn more. Once there, scroll down to the Selenium Client and WebDriver Language Binding section to see the complete list of drivers available. The test that we just wrote currently only has the ability to run in Firefox. And to do that, the driver needed to be downloaded and put on the system's path before being used. The same process needs to be followed in order to use most other browser drivers with WebDriver. Other similarities of the driver are their API functionality and the fact that they are all part of the W3C spec standard. There are some differences as well. When running tests across different drivers, it is easy to see that some of the drivers are faster than others. Certain syntax or functionality also might differ slightly, and the detail of…
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