From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12

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Making the Toolbar your own

Making the Toolbar your own

- [Instructor] I think the Final Draft toolbar is such an important part of the user interface, that it's worth focusing on it. Let's take a closer look. Here's the toolbar in default mode as it comes out of the box. From left to right, these icons let you turn on Final Draft's Collaboration feature, so that you work remotely with a partner, split the screen to two sections to fill as you wish, change your view from Script to Beat Board to Scene View, to Index Cards. Open but not close, a full screen view of your Beat Board, edit the title page of your script, which Final Draft considers a separate document. Quick pick the formatting element of the text you're currently typing. Work with another important new feature of Final Draft 12, track changes. Show or hide various supplementary data, such as your outline, script notes, ruler, and so on. And open and configure a specialized Final Draft window called, The…
