From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12
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Exporting - Final Draft Tutorial
From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12
- [Instructor] Final Draft is a bit of a walled garden, and that's fine since it can take you from Writers Draft to Shooting Script. There may be times when you need to get some text out of the program. Let's see how. Henry Ford said you could have a model T in any color as long as it was black. Final Draft is kind of the same way with exporting. You can export to any file format you like as long as it's Plain Text. With your script open, choose Export from the File menu. The dialog box lets you pick a file format here from the dropdown menu. There's two different types of proprietary Final Draft formats, then there's something called File Converter format, which turns out to be another proprietary Final Draft format. There's HTML, which is the file format for web pages, and I doubt you're going to be turning your feature film into a website. There's Rich Text format, which has fallen by the wayside, and…
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