From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12
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Choosing a template - Final Draft Tutorial
From the course: Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft 12
Choosing a template
- [Teacher] By selecting the right template, you give Final Draft a lot of upfront information, that allows the program to set the table for your screenplay. A template, is a blank master document with specific margins and other metrics built in. Each template provides a different customized canvas, for a particular document from screenplays to teleplays. Selecting the right template is easy, as long as you keep a sharp eye out. If your plan is to write a movie script with standard formatting for general distribution, you don't even need to specify a template. Simply select new under the file menu. The program will open a new file, based on the default screenplay template that satisfies the requirements of almost all studios, production companies, talent agencies, film festivals and contests, and so on. For the purposes of this course, I've made mine full screen, but keep in mind that whatever template you use this time,…
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