From the course: Learning Screenwriting

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Writing the outline

Writing the outline

- [Presenter] The step outline is an almost magical document that begins the transformation of your work from craft to art. It takes the content and order of the beat sheet, pours it into a series of scene-sized containers, and adds feeling. The outline's format gives away this transitional nature. It's the first document in your workflow that uses the scene heading, often called a slug line. It's a unique label that links to previous and subsequent slug lines to form the graceful yet rugged cables of your screenplay bridge to create the suspension of disbelief. The first three characters of the scene heading fix the location of the scene in the grossest terms, interior or exterior. After a period, the location is pinpointed. A dash separates the where from the when. Is it day, night, dusk? Or a relative term may be used such as later that day or next evening. Directly under the scene heading should live the best…
