From the course: Learning Revit 2024

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The unified Building Information Model

The unified Building Information Model - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Learning Revit 2024

The unified Building Information Model

- [Instructor] Revit is a tool that is designed to help facilitate the building information modeling paradigm. So what building information modeling is at its core is this notion that you can create a single model that can represent any kind of deliverable, and more importantly that all of those deliverables that are generated from the BIM will be automatically coordinated. So what I mean by that is by working in a single model you can generate floor plans, elevation sections, 3D view schedules, and if you make a change in any one of those views, you don't have to repeat those changes in the other views because what you're actually changing is the single unified model. And those changes will immediately propagate to any kind of view that you can generate. So what I'd like to do is demonstrate that notion, that concept, here directly in the software by just doing a few quick examples. Now I'm in the architectural sample model…
