From the course: Learning Revit 2023
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Importing a CAD file - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Learning Revit 2023
Importing a CAD file
- [Instructor] While you're working in Revit, it's fairly common that you'll need to access files that were generated in other software. And one of the most popular choices is AutoCAD. So if you have an extended project team that's generating documents in different file formats, then being able to access those files becomes pretty important. So in this video, I'd like to show you the process of bringing in a file generated in AutoCAD and using it in our Revit project. So for this example, I'm going to be doing a Site Plan. So I'm going to open up my Site Plan view that I have here in the project, and you'll see that it's at a very different scale than my regular floor plan, and I'm just going to roll my wheel back a few clicks to zoom out and give myself plenty of room to work here. So what I want to do is bring in this Site Plan file that I have that was generated in AutoCAD to use here in our project. So to do that, I go…
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