From the course: Learning PowerShell

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ISE and you

ISE and you

- [Voiceover] Now folks, let's talk about PowerShell for just a second. I know what you might be thinking. Matt, this is great. We can do all these commands and it's wonderful but I have to do it in the command prompt? I like GUIs and I like doing things inside of GUIs. And especially if you watch the video on how to create functions, you're probably thinking wait a second, I have to do that inside of here? What if I make a typo? I have to retype all that information back in? Well, yeah you would if you did it inside the command prompt. But the developers and creators of PowerShell also thought you know what, command prompt's great and it's useful, but in reality, most likely people are gonna want to create scripts, they're gonna want to create functions, and they're gonna want to be able to repeat things and just keep things in files. Well the nice thing about that, we actually have something for you. It's called the integrated scripting environment, or the ISE for short. And from…
