From the course: Learning PowerShell

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How to read the language

How to read the language - PowerShell Tutorial

From the course: Learning PowerShell

How to read the language

- [Voiceover] Now I know you're probably pretty excited to actually start writing your first PowerShell command and actually get involved with the language, but before we go any further in this course, you're gonna want to know the basics on how to read the PowerShell language. How to actually start by working with it. So let's take a look at a quick example called get-service dash name net. Now the great thing about PowerShell, it's a natural language. So you can use natural language to talk and interact with it. So as you probably figured out that this commandlet is gonna find out all the name of the services with net inside of it. And you'd be right. But when you start breaking this down to its core components, it's much like the English language. We have our verbs which are things like get, stop, start. So if I were to put something in there stop dash service, you would tell that hey, that's gonna stop the services. The verbs across PowerShell are fairly generic. Almost all the…
