From the course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping

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rayCloud editing

rayCloud editing

- [Instructor] Now I'd like to introduce you to the animation tool. This is a pretty cool tool, and it's very easy to use. So the new animation trajectory tool can use recorded views or computer camera positions and orientation, which is like waypoints. So, I use recorded views, which is like keyframing, so we can just go through this wizard, say Next, and then, what you can do is just pull this over to the side and set a view and just say Record so it counts it. Number one, and I'm going to rotate my model a little bit. Two, I'll just center it out, maybe I'll zoom in. Three, and one more here, and four. So say Next. Those keyframes are set, the duration is ten seconds. We'll make it five seconds just for the sake of time. You can set the playback time and the video animation to a maximum speed or a duration, however you want to set that. Interpolation will actually smooth the animation movement right here between the frames, and then I can name it. I can just call this just the…
