From the course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping

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Choosing your output coordinate system

Choosing your output coordinate system - Pix4Dcapture Tutorial

From the course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping

Choosing your output coordinate system

- [Instructor] Before you begin processing your dataset, you'll need to make sure that you've chosen the correct output coordinate system. So let's assume you have imported the images, and you have set your processing options down here in the lower left, and you've set those all to the parameters that you want. Now you're ready to process. So you can go up here to Project, and you can go to Select Output Coordinate System. And from here you can go ahead and choose what that output coordinate system is going to look like. You have an extensive list here in their library for the datums and the coordinate systems as well to choose from. So you can select that at your leisure for that particular application of processing the output. Now, this menu here does look very similar to this other one here that's called Image Properties Editor, and then when you say edit on the coordinate system. So it's the same interface, but note the label up here is Select Image Coordinate System, and this one…
