From the course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping

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AEC application: 3D scans and Pix4D

AEC application: 3D scans and Pix4D - Pix4Dcapture Tutorial

From the course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping

AEC application: 3D scans and Pix4D

- [Instructor] In this video I will provide you with a project example where 3D laser scans and photo-based point clouds created from the Phantom 4 Pro drone are combined to enhance the visualization for architectural planning on the historic Barge Hall building, located at the Central Washington University campus in Ellensburg, Washington. Special thanks to Central Washington University for providing permission to show this data and to Peter Meijer Architect, who used this data for a professional evaluation of the building exterior for Central Washington University. And here we have an article from Central Washington University where they talk about this project and how we use drones and scanning to evaluate this very large structure, the exterior skin and to provide a professional analysis on the condition of this building. I'm just going to jump over here and show you the 3D laser scans. And here we have Barge Hall in 3D, and I'll just jump to a couple of locations. So you can see…
