From the course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping

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Advanced processing options

Advanced processing options

- [Instructor] Under the Point Cloud and Mesh options, the last tab is the Advanced tab. The Advanced tab works hand in hand with the Point Cloud and the 3D Textured Mesh tabs. And it gives a few extra options for you before you start this process. Now this is what it defaults to right here as the settings as you see. So it really depends on if you're doing a 2D map or a 3D map with nadir images, or oblique, or terrestrial images. Those types of image captures that are very different, and the types of ways that you can adjust those settings. The first option that we have here is the Point Cloud Densification. And with this, you have this Matching Window Size. So this looks at either seven by seven or nine by nine pixels to densify that point cloud as a window. If you have just nadir images, you might want to just use seven by seven as the default because that's good for nadir and it's just faster. And then nine by nine might be good for oblique images or terrestrial images where you…
