From the course: Learning Photoshop Compositing
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Creating a "floating heads" movie poster - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Learning Photoshop Compositing
Creating a "floating heads" movie poster
- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm going to create a floating heads movie poster. You know the kind of thing. Google it and you'll find many examples. This is our cast of characters. Here's my finished version. So we need to recompose this group shot and make it look more gritty and heroic. I'm going to start out with a blank document, which I'll create at movie one sheet size, which is 27 by 40 inches. But because this is for demonstration purposes to keep the file size manageable, I'm going to do it at a resolution of only 72. Let's have a solid black as color. I'll throw away the original background layer. Now we'll come back to this, but let's now work on our group shot. So one by one. What I need to do is separate these figures onto individual layers. I'm using the polygonal lasso tool command J to copy the selection to a new layer. Return to the background layer. Command J. Main star is this woman and I'm going to make her a bit bigger than everybody else, or to be more precise…
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Placing a figure in a scene8m 25s
Repurposing an old master7m 13s
Creating a collage13m 57s
Creating a repeat pattern wallpaper12m 22s
Creating a typographic collage8m 22s
Recreating a historic poster using a clipping mask9m 52s
Creating a "floating heads" movie poster12m 34s
Creating a surreal scene9m 3s