From the course: Learning Notion
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Use Notion AI to generate text blocks - Notion Tutorial
From the course: Learning Notion
Use Notion AI to generate text blocks
- [Instructor] I'm going to click at the bottom of this page to start a new block and when you start a new block you will see the prompt that says press space for AI, slash for commands. Now, we've seen how to add new blocks using the slash but Notion also has some artificial intelligence tools. I really want to spend time with artificial intelligence later in this course, but at this stage, you can use this AI prompt to generate blocks of text on your pages. But before you try this, you should be aware that you can use the AI tools for free for a limited number of times. On the left, you can select settings and members, then go to the section four upgrade and you'll see that my account offers 20 AI responses for free, but that allotment might be different for your plan. You can purchase the add-on from here if you need to continue using it. With that in mind, let's go back to my page and I want to add a new block.…
Make pages and add content blocks5m 13s
Link pages together4m 2s
Customize a page3m 24s
Modify blocks on a page4m 5s
Format text blocks4m 7s
Use Notion AI to generate text blocks4m 44s
Make basic list blocks3m 20s
Make database blocks5m 39s
Make a calendar from a database block4m 4s
Add media blocks5m 5s
Import content from other tools3m 7s
Embed content from other services4m 58s