From the course: Learning Notion

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Generate summaries, translations, and action items

Generate summaries, translations, and action items - Notion Tutorial

From the course: Learning Notion

Generate summaries, translations, and action items

- [Narrator] In addition to generating or modifying content in your pages, Notion AI can also identify important information from text and provide it to you in a clear format that you can act on. As before, you could point at one block of text, click the button with six dots to open the menu, and choose "Ask AI" from there, and these tools definitely will work that way, but what we'll see in this video is a little more interesting when you have a larger section of text. So, I'm going to select most of the text on this page. I'll just drag to select all of that text. With that text selected, this panel appears above it, and I can click the "Ask AI" button there. Now, this time I do not want to look at the editing tools. I'm not interested in the tools to draft new content. I'm looking for the section that says "generate from selection". Now, maybe if you have a lot of text and you just don't have time to read all of it,…
