From the course: Learning Notion
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Format text blocks - Notion Tutorial
From the course: Learning Notion
Format text blocks
- [Instructor] There are lots of different types of blocks that you can use in Notion, but text blocks are probably the most popular. I have a few on this page, so let's explore the formatting tools that you have for text blocks. Now, of course, you can identify separate blocks because when you point at them, these two buttons will appear to the left of them. If you click the button with six dots on it, it opens up this menu. And one option that you get with text blocks is the option to turn it into a different type of block. So instead of basic text, I want this block to be a header. So I'll go to where it says Turn Into, then I'll choose Heading 2. And I've turned that text block into a different type of text block, and it is formatted differently. So one good way to work in Notion would be to start by typing out several basic text blocks, then come back and turn them into different types of blocks later to…
Make pages and add content blocks5m 13s
Link pages together4m 2s
Customize a page3m 24s
Modify blocks on a page4m 5s
Format text blocks4m 7s
Use Notion AI to generate text blocks4m 44s
Make basic list blocks3m 20s
Make database blocks5m 39s
Make a calendar from a database block4m 4s
Add media blocks5m 5s
Import content from other tools3m 7s
Embed content from other services4m 58s