From the course: Learning Notion

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Add media blocks

Add media blocks - Notion Tutorial

From the course: Learning Notion

Add media blocks

- [Presenter] Adding pictures, videos, and other media might be a good way to improve the design of your pages, or the media itself might be part of the information that you're managing. So let's go to a page where I'm keeping information about one of my production locations. I'll choose this Monterey Bay page. So one thing I might want to do is add a picture to this page. So I'll click at the bottom to start a new block. I'll type the slash key to define the block type. And in this case, I'm just going to scroll through the list and you'll see that there is a section here for media blocks. Now in another video, we made a block for a web bookmark. You can also have image blocks, video blocks, and more. Let's do an image block. And from here, you could upload your own picture. You could embed a link to a picture on the web or you could browse pictures from Unsplash, which is a stock photo service. I'm…
