From the course: Learning nCloth

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Dynamics in computer graphics

Dynamics in computer graphics - nCloth Tutorial

From the course: Learning nCloth

Dynamics in computer graphics

- [Instructor] Moving on. We've just seen how the real world work. And now, on the other side, we know that we have polygons and 3D. So, the real question is how those mathematical concepts, because yes, of course, everything that we've been looking in the previous video, at the end, are mathematics. Those are functions and equations and there's a lot of numbers and calculation in the back. So, how this mathematical concept can be applied with what we have, which are initial facing polygons and vertices. And how, in nCloth, these things work. So we know that we have a polygonal approach of recreating thing. What we do in computer graphics is just about making just this, your face, to get the light falling in the correct way on it and to be able to represent visual things. So, if we look at a polygon, we know that a polygon is made of edges and then vertices. It's an assembly of multiple vertices and edges that can create a polygon. So, the first mathematical way of applying realism…
