From the course: Learning Music Licensing

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Uploading your songs

Uploading your songs

- [Instructor] One very important question to ask is how should you plan to deliver your songs to the listener for easy streaming and downloading? A discussion of how to upload music may seem mundane and basic, but there are industry standards unique to the music licensing business, and spending the time to do it right will increase your chances of getting heard. Ultimately, you want to try and remove as many obstacles as possible between your music and the ears of a potential placement. Where should you upload your music? Choose a website or service that does not make your files expire at some set time. Example of a popular website for delivering files that imposes problematic file expiration is That service has value, of course, but, in my opinion, not in this situation. At this kind of a website, they don't charge you to upload, but the files disappear after a preset time, usually seven days or so. The reason this is a problem is because many times a busy music…
