From the course: Learning Music Licensing
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Proper song edits, coding, and resolution
From the course: Learning Music Licensing
Proper song edits, coding, and resolution
- [Instructor] Music supervisors, creative directors, and editors need a variety of different music files for their projects. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for them. I'm going to repeat that, because it's very important. Your goal is to make licensing your music as easy as possible. It may not be something you think about often, but the creative teams often need much more than just the main song file. In fact, if you supply the supervisor with alternate edits to your song, the likelihood of your music being licensed goes up. The reason for this is because when the editor is cutting the spot, often times, they will need to weave the music in and around the dialogue. In other cases, especially for advertising, the client will only want the instrumental version, or perhaps the instrumental version with backup vocals or the oohs and aahs. The last thing you want is for an executive to dig your song, but then not have access to instrumental versions, and therefore, they need…