From the course: Learning Music Licensing

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Music licensing and publishing

Music licensing and publishing

From the course: Learning Music Licensing

Music licensing and publishing

- [Instructor] Let's cover a few basics. In order to understand how licensing and publishing work, you'll have to have a good understanding of who owns what rights to your original songs and compositions. I'd like to share with you some of the different kinds of licensing deals that currently exist out there, so you can think about your own songs and where some of these deals might apply to your situation. So, first of all, what does it mean to license music? In simple terms, you've created music that someone else finds value in and they want to secure the rights to use your music in an audiovisual project. For example, film, TV show, YouTube video, wedding video. In this situation, you are the licensor and they are the licensee. The licensee needs to compensate you for your music and that can be done in a number of ways. Usually, it's for a fee. Just to be clear, a music license is not a transfer of ownership. Music licensing in the real word is a little bit more complex than this…
