From the course: Learning Music Licensing
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It’s all about the song
From the course: Learning Music Licensing
It’s all about the song
- [Instructor] Throughout this course, I'm going to give you a lot of insider tips that can definitely help you get ahead, but if you don't have a great song, then very little of what I'm going to tell you matters. The following is some things you can do to really hone your craft and set yourself up for licensing success. Attending songwriting conventions, conferences, and workshops can be a great way to develop your songwriting craft. Some conventions and writing workshops you might want to investigate include Annual TAXI convention, quarterly and annual ASCAP and BMI writing workshops and conventions, Durango Songwriters' Expo, Berkeley, UCLA or local university songwriting extension courses. Additionally, co-write constantly with writers who are better than you. Attend publisher songwriting classes. Learn and play cover songs and try to reverse engineer why the songs you love are so great. Why did writer choose to make certain melodic or rhythmic changes? What did they read to…